Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Funky RE song - by Mrs Hardwick's Y9

Lyrics: Funky RE song
Wake up in the morning do some meditation
I’ll relax watch my breath and loose all my frustration
Got my Buddha got my karma Got my sanga too
I aint rich I aint poor and what about you

Back in world war two two
Hitler killed the jews jews
And lots of others too too
Holocaust- genocide done by gassing
Also starving and shooting
He sure made them suffer

RE it’s a breeze
We can learn about beliefs
Our views, ways of life
Where we go after we die
Come on join the song
We can make our lessons fun now

Wake up in the morning and say my prayers
Put on my Hijab, im out the door I’m going to hit this mosque
Believe in Allah and Muhammad PBUH
Cos when I leave for  Mecca I become a changed man

I’m talking am I live or dead dead
Is this in my head head
When all is done and said said
I’m seeing dogs they are wearing glasses
And stick on moustaches
Are they people too

RE it’s a breeze
We can learn about beliefs
Our views, ways of life
Where we go after we die
Come on join the song
We can make our lessons fun now

Do you believe in life
After we die
In love? In god
Satanist, Jews
Pagans, Hindus
Buddhists, Christian
We’re all human
Is money more, important than
Your friends
And those who love you
Give yourself up
Never give in

RE it’s a breeze
We can learn about beliefs
Our views, ways of life
Where we go after we die
Come on join the song
We can make our lessons fun now

RE it’s a breeze
We can learn about beliefs
Our views, ways of life
Where we go after we die
Come on join the song
We can make our lessons fun now

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Y9 Holocaust Art Competition: The Finalists

 We studied the Holocaust in Y9 and then the pupils had to produce a piece of Art work entitled 'Never Again'. They then needed to produce a write-up which fully explained the symbolic representation of their work, and also showed their understanding of the challenges the Holocaust created to the faith in G-d of (Jewish) believers. Each class submitted four of the best pieces of work and then Mr Abbott was told the RE assessment criteria, which he used to judge what he felt to be the winner. He spent a long time deliberating over which one to choose. In the end he chose...

1st place: Jamie Watt
This was immaculately created and the symbolic imagery of the Jewish Gold star surrounded menancingly with the swastikas like barbed wire was impressive. He had appreciated the desperation felt by many Jews and expressed in Psalm 22:1 'My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from saving me, so far from my cries of anguish?' His write-up also supported this piece of work, explaining his representations. Mr Abbott said that it was a very poignant piece of work; The Nazi symbol is squeezing the life out of the Jewish people.

2nd place: Poem entitled; 'What would happen if there was no-one left?': by Sophie Marriott.
Mr Abbott parlicularly liked the link made between the Jewish faith and suffering.

3rd place: 'Swastika' By Sam Haigh. Mr Abbott liked the combination of personal stories and images.

Skeleton: By Alisha Smith

'Faith': By Georgia Osmond

'Prisoners' By ?

'Jewish Book and knife' By Josh Lewis

'The voice you couldn't hear': Hazel McKintosh

'Why': by ?

'Brick background Red Heart': Georgia Hackett

'Stabbed Man': Thomas Pollard

'Hands and Barbed Wire':

'And We Have All Lost Faith': Emma Burrows

'Train': James Watts

'Glass and Light' Izzie Rogers

'Canvas Complex: Wire in Circle': by Holly Brooks

'Photos in Frame with Barbed Wire': By Katie Allan

'Where was God' Ellie O'Neil

'Nazi and Shoes': Jess Walker

'Jewish person and guns': by ?

'Red Canvas and Skeletons':  Bryn Morgan

'Mask, tear-drop and barbed wire' By ?

'Sliding Doors' by Rhianna Beattie

'Facebook: Never Forget': Anna Coleman

'For all the hurt and pain you caused...' by Amy Crighton

Thursday, 23 June 2011

Creation of the world

Have a look at this great youtube clip created by Scott McKenzie in Y8! It is his interpretation of the creation of the world.